Friday, April 4, 2014

The Next Stage in the Evolution of the ERDAS Field Guide

What is the next stage in the evolution of the ERDAS Field Guide? Hexagon Geospatial has released the next version of ERDAS Field Guide. It has been wikified. As part of that evolution, The wiki version of the ERDAS Field Guide was renamed to “HexGeoWiki.”

Your first question may be, “Can I add/edit content on HexGeoWiki? The answer is, Yes. Your next question may be, “Will Paul change his blog to 'The GeoWiki'? The answer to that is, No. My blog's brand is The Field Guide and I will stick with the blog's brand. As well, this blog has never been about the company, my about ideas and thought I believe people may find value in knowing.

I believe this move by Hexagon Geospatial is the future of software documentation. Provide a solid documentation foundation and then allow a lot of really smart people in the community to collaborate and make documentation much more than it can be in a documentation team.

Check HexGeoWiki out at: